Blu-ray Releases 2/9/14 – 2/15/14

This week on Blu-ray: Australia gets four titles while America gets three. Who has the best selection? Let’s find out:


2 Guns shoots up Blu-ray this week. The Denzel Washington-Mark Wahlberg action comedy had a $61 million budget and made $131.9 million worldwide making the movie a mild box office success. The Blu-ray comes with an Ultraviolet copy.


About Time arrives on Blu-ray this week. The Rachel McAdams comedy had an unknown budget and made $85.9 million worldwide. The Blu-ray comes with an Ultraviolet copy.


Don Jon hits up Blu-ray shelves this week. The Joseph Gordon-Levitt-Scarlett Johansson comedy had a $6 million budget and made $30.4 million worldwide making the film a box office success. The Blu-ray does not appear to come with any digital or DVD copies.


The Family comes home to Blu-ray this week. The Robert DeNiro-Michelle Pfeiffer action comedy had a $30 million budget and made $68.2 million worldwide making the movie a mild box office success. The Blu-ray comes with an Ultraviolet copy.



The Best Man Holiday comes to Blu-ray this week. The Regina Hall-Terrence Howard dramedy had a $17 million budget and made $71.6 million worldwide making the film a box office success. The Blu-ray comes with a DVD, Digital, and Ultraviolet copy.


The Counselor arrives on Blu-ray this week. The Michael Fassbender-Penelope Cruz thriller had a $25 million budget and made $70.2 million worldwide making the film a mild box office success. The Blu-ray comes with an Ultraviolet copy.


Ender’s Game comes to Blu-ray this week. The Harrison Ford-Abigail Breslin sci-fi had a $110 million budget and made $112.2 million worldwide making the film a box office failure. The Blu-ray comes with a DVD, Digital, and Ultraviolet copy.


That’s it for this week on Blu-ray. According to Rotten Tomatoes, Australia’s films average out to 60% while America’s films average out to 54% making Australia the winner this week. The highest rated film was Australia’s Don Jon with an 81% while the lowest was Australia’s The Family with 29%. Do you plan on picking up any of these titles? Comment below and be sure to come back next week to see what blues you’re going to spend your green on.

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