Blu-ray Releases 8/4/13 – 8/10/13

This week on Blu-ray: both America and Australia get two releases WITH ONE OF THEM BEING THE SAME. Does the other film drag down the score or enhance it? Let’s find out!


Identity Thief comes to Blu-ray this week. The Jason Bateman and Melissa McCarthy comedy had a $35 million budget and made $173.9 million worldwide making Identity Thief a box office success. The Blu-ray comes with an Ultraviolet copy.


Oblivion comes to Blu-ray this week. The Tom Cruise sci-fi adventure had a $120 million budget and currently has $286.1 million worldwide making the film a box office success. We reviewed Oblivion, and you can check out our review here. Oblivion comes to Blu-ray with an Ultraviolet copy.



Oblivion comes to Blu-ray this week. Instead of repeating what was already said above, I’ll just say that the American Blu-ray of Oblivion comes with a DVD, Digital, and Ultraviolet copy. (HA!).


The Place Beyond the Pines comes to Blu-ray this week. The Ryan Gosling and Bradley Cooper drama had a $15 million budget and made $35.4 million worldwide making the film a box office success. The Blu-ray comes with a DVD, Digital, and Ultraviolet copy.


Boy, that was thrilling. Australia’s Rotten Tomatoes average comes out to 37% while America’s Rotten Tomatoes average is 68% making America the WINNER! The highest rated movie was The Place Beyond the Pines with a whopping 82% while the lowest rated was Identity Thief with a 20%. Oblivion had a 54% for those curious.

That’s it for this week on Blu-ray. Do you plan on picking up any of these flicks? Comment below and be sure to come back next week to see what blues you’re going to spend your green on.

For reviews and more from me, Petey Oneto, you can check out my blog but be sure to check back to Resident Entertainment for more of my posts in the future.

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