Why is it always a cliff hanger?
Every time I start getting into a really good story.
That’s the treatment the newest Dead inside gave me. Issue 2 quickly picks up where the first Issue left us with the mystery’s quickly piling up and the political intrigue starting the thicken around the main cast as the case of the dead inmate is reopened.
This issue we learn a bit more about the history of our protagonist and are given some hints as to who our antagonist may be, but for now they remain shrouded in mystery and minor foils are used in their place. The prison warden being one of the main obstacles.
Continuing with the dark noir style of art and dramatic facial portrayals the Dead Inside comic tells more story than the words in each panel. We learn about deeper interpersonal relationships and the easy banter between a lot of the main cast shows a deep history which adds decent strength to the plot as it progresses further down what is looking to be a very dark path.
Saying any more in this review would lead into spoilers and I would prefer if you went a discovered the mystery’s and got as stuck into this story as I am.
Overall this issue builds on the first with masterful precision. The suspense and questions get larger with every page turned. If you enjoyed the first issue or even just like a good cop/murder mystery. The following this series is a must.