The PS5 is launching potentially towards the end of the year, but many nervous PlayStation fans are wondering is the ps5 backwards compatible? The answer to this is that the PS5 is backwards compatible, but only for PS4 games. Those who will try to put a PS3, PS2 or PS1 game disc are likely going to be out of luck. The PS4 itself is not backwards compatible at all with any previous generations, so having at least the PS4 games being compatible on the PS5 is a win for PlayStation fans.
Is the PS5 backwards compatible?
The question about is the PS5 backwards compatible has been demonstrated in recent months by Sony at multiple events, in fact it was actually one of the first things that was teased about the upcoming console. PS5 backwards compatibility was seen in the early stages of their company’s demonstrations of the PS5 running the very popular PS4 title, Spider-Man (see our review of that game here).
Sony has said that up to 4000 PS4 titles will be supported in a recent live stream featuring all the PS5 specifications. Mark Cerny from Sony said “We’re expecting backward compatible titles will run at a boosted frequency on PS5 so that they can benefit from higher or more stable frame rates and potentially higher resolutions. “We’re currently evaluating games on a title-by-title basis to spot any issues that need adjustment from the original software developers.”
It seems that for some titles according to Sony, that you will be better off running them on the PS5 than anywhere else. It could be marketing hype, but I would be very excited to see Days Gone on the PS5 as the game did freeze up from time to time on my PS4 that I had since launch day, I noticed occassional frame drops. It has not been demo’d and it’s only speculation, but if the PS5 did run games better than the PS4, that would likely be a game I would test first. You can find my review for Days Gone right here.

For fans that are interested, they can find out about all the PS5 specifications and what else the console can do, they can find it in our post about it here.