The plot
Hansel and Gretel witch hunters is a film directed by Tommy Wirkola and stars Jeremy Renner (Hansel), Gemma Arterton (Gretel), Framke Janssen (Muriel) and Pihla Vitala (Mina). The films basic plot is that Hansel and Gretel who we know from the fairy tale grow up. After killing that first witch in the lolly/candy house they are now professional witch killers or hunters. Basically witches take children and they hunt them down, the town has quite the witch problem in the film and actions scenes are done well in the killing of the witches with blood and gore everywhere. But what Hansel and Gretel don’t know is that the witches may be hunting them now and there’s a big meeting about to happen…..
You can grasp of a lot of the film from viewing the trailer and like it the movie is easy to follow, easy to understand which sometimes makes a movie great entertainment and this movie does that well.
The acting
Overall for this movie which is really an entertainment movie the acting is well done for its purpose. Jeremy Renner is convincing with his role of Hansel and I thought that Gemma Arterton as Gretel was well cast alongside Renner. Both of the lead actors looked to have good chemistry and did well to act off each other throughout the movie. I think they made a good brother and sister in terms of acting like they are so I had no problems with the lead actors.

Apart from the two leads the villain Muriel the dark witch was good as well who was played by Famke Janssen. They had their moments but it would have been better possibly if given more scenes in the film to themselves. Although in consideration of this the movie is only about 90 minutes so I guess there isn’t much room for character scenes in amongst all the action. Mina the white witch may have had a similar fate with her scenes being short as well like the dark with muriel. But overall it worked well for the movie and kept the action going so it is of no consequence.
The action
This movie is high in action scenes, there’s blood, guts and limbs being flown all over the place. Heads being squashed guns being fired people being stabbed and all types of things. There is also good witch broom stick flying and chase scenes. While there is also a particularly violent assault on poor Gretel by a group of men. If you’re looking for a fun action blood filled film then this is one for you!
The directing/Music
I thought the film was quite well made and better than I thought it would be. Not being a major blockbuster but something that was almost one with a massive budget and all. This movie with a budget of $50,000,000 currently has grossed about just over that with about 54,000,000 as of today according to the IMDb page. It is a minor success but only just. But that is sort of what the movie is, it’s good, action great, directing good, seems on par with other blockbusters in terms of quality of entertainment but falls short somehow.
It was well directed though and everything was as expected action scenes were perfectly done and I left the cinema feeling well entertained. The musical score was good during the film although sort of disappears in amongst all the action scenes but it was there.
I would recommend this movie to people wanting a good fun entertainment action film. Something fun to see that you don’t have to pay attention much to but in the end it was all in good fun. While it is violent though and probably not the best for children to watch unlike it’s fairy tale story. If you want a good action film with lot’s of intense and well done action scenes and at times light comedy moments then this is for you.
i loved gretel but not hansel so much how old was that guy lol?