The Enfield Haunting is a TV miniseries that follows the story of a young family who are haunted by a poltergeist in England. The TV series stars Timothy Spall, Eleanor Worthington-Cox, Juliet Stevenson, Fern Deacon and Matthew Macfadyen.
This miniseries is worth a watch if you can find it somewhere on TV as the first episode is quite intriguing. It was interesting to watch the poltergeist mess around with the inhabitants of the house and then watch as the non believers came to visit and told everyone there was nothing there, only to then have something weird happen after they said that, which is kind of funny or scary depending on how you look at it.
It’s not a particularly scary miniseries, it’s more of a mystery series, with the viewer witnessing a variety of occurrences. Eventually we all start to wonder who or what is the poltergeist in the home and what do they want with poor Janet (Eleanor Worthington-Cox) and her family.
Eleanor Worthington-Cox who plays the main character Janet really does well throughout all three episodes of this miniseries and is quite the young talent. Although I do think she looks like a young Emma Watson (Hermione from Harry Potter). There’s action scenes, scary scenes and all types of things we see Eleanor Worthington-Cox go through and she really did well in the Enfield Haunting. Other actors were okay, Timothy Spall did well and brought a good performance for us to watch as his character, Maurice, tried to find out what was going on in the house.
The script was really good in the first episode and I felt quite immersed with everything going on, the tone was intriguing and everything was all good. It’s not until the second episode though though that things get a bit silly. After watching all three episodes in one sitting I felt that the cast and crew had tried every idea they could think of to put it in the Enfield Haunting, the poltergeist possessing people got a bit too much by the end and some of the dialogue got a bit silly as well, but I felt that I was interested in enough from the first episode, to last all the way through all three of them. It’s just that if there was a fourth episode, I would feel that they would really be stretching the story by then, three was just enough.
Overall it’s not a bad series to check out if you happen to see it on TV or you could rent it if you like as well. It would appeal more to those who like horror or mystery TV shows and in looking at the horror genre, there isn’t really much choice out there at the moment so this series is worth a shot if you’re into these types of things. It can’t hurt much trying it out and watching the first episode and seeing how you feel, if you don’t like that one then don’t push on, but even if you do push on you get to see a great performance from Eleanor Worthington-Cox and the scares aren’t so bad, it’s just a pity that the series didn’t sustain the high level of intrigue and mystery that the first episode immersed us with, it’s still a good time waster show though.