The Sims 4 News: April 2020

It’s been a super slow around these parts with restrictions for COVID-19 and no Sims news for as far as the eyes can seeeee… (from the comfort of my living room at least!)

While there haven’t been any “announcements” of new expansions, game or stuff packs, we have been inundated with new information from The Sims team. There have been three new updates; a new vote, a new patch and a new blog post which goes “behind the scenes” of the making of our new Community Voted Pack.

The Sim Gurus are also live streaming to encourage people to “Stay and Play” at home. Even I was lucky enough to be involved with the program — I was very lucky to be hosted on The Sims Twitch page on Easter Saturday where I dressed as a bunny and deliberately killed sims. Happy Easter?

If you’re interested in checking out this weeks schedule, all the details are on The Sims Official Twitter. @TheSims Twitter Page

April Patch Updates

A new patch has updated our games this month, with a few fixes for bugs. There was also a separate update for Mac to make sure worlds are loading properly. You can see all the details about patches here: Mac Patch 14th AprilPC and Mac Patch 7th April 2020

I always love reading the patch notes. Especially for gold like this:

Community Stuff Pack: Knitting!

If you’ve been paying attention to previous posts, you will know that there is a new Community Pack in the works. This is where we can influence the content and look of one of the new packs for The Sims 4. This week a new Survey to vote for our Community Pack has been released, and you can vote HERE — this time we get to choose the Title of the Stuff Pack and the Icon they will use for the pack. I’ve already voted — So get in there quick!

There was also a really cool blog post from SimGuruConor, who is working on the new Knitting Community Pack. A few things were talked about in more detail; an updated Create-A-Sim User Interface — so our sims can actually wear their knitted creations. A new “elder” sims interaction — “reminisce” where sims can reflect on the “good old times” while getting comfy in their new rocking chairs which will also be included in the pack. And, Plopsy. Yes, Plopsy.

“Plopsy” Logo

Plopsy is the “online store” scenario, that’s similar to Etsy. Once your sim has finished a craft, they will be able to upload it to a virtual store for other Sims to buy! Just another way for those “at home” sims to make some extra simoleons. You can read the whole blog on The Sims website.

All of this and still no announcement? Where is our new pack!?

I know, I know. A lot of Simmers are impatient to hear news about what’s “coming soon” from The Sims team. Sim Guru Duke posted a “Road Map” for the next 6 months which mentions a new Expansion Pack, Stuff Pack and Game Pack coming. I’ve got my fingers crossed this means that there should be something on the horizon soon.

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