Watch: The Elder Scrolls Online: Arrival Cinematic

This is the arrival cinematic for the Video Game: The Elder Scrolls Online. The game will be available for the PS4, PC, Mac and Xbox One. The Elder Scrolls online is a new endeavor by Bethesda to bring the multiplayer experience to the Elder Scrolls games. It’s a very cinematic and may just be the what’s needed to get you in the mood for the Elder Scrolls Online. It goes for just over 8 minutes, Enjoy!


The Elder Scroll Online is actually set about 1,000 years before the events of The Elder Scrolld V: Skyrim and the dragon born. The game also takes place just before the rise of the first Emperor of Tamriel Tiber Septim. There will be three alliances in the game which will vie for power and supremacy in the world of the game.

The release date for this online game is set for the 4th of April 2014 for PC and Mac and June 2014 for the Xbox One and Ps4.

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