Today Microsoft revealed their next generation entry with a new console called the Xbox One.
Don Mattrik takes the stage
“We are proud to reveal a home entertainment system” -Don Mattrik said at the beginning of the conference. There was then this video shown below of the new Xbox.

Yusuf Mehdi takes the stage
Yusuf Mehdi, “I want to show how we can take your passion for gaming and apply it to your entire TV experience”. Talks about no more manual log in, you can say Xbox On to turn on this new console. There is a big entertainment focus for this console, new feature called “trending” shows you what is popular in entertainment now.
Some points are made between switching between game, TV and Music called “Instant Switching”. Voice commands are given such as “Watch TV, Watch Movie, Music, Internet Explorer”. The screen switches between them instantly. Also introduces “Snap Mode” which is the ability to do two of the tasks as once, such as placing Internet Explorer beside the video you are watching.
Skype integration with the new Xbox One is emphasised using the mentioned Snap Mode, a call is made beside a Star Trek trailer. Yusuf then switches to sport and is watching basketball, he uses “Snap Mode” again to place his fantasy league beside the actual live game.
Very big focus on TV as new feature for the console, TV is being introduced almost as if it is a new technology. A TV guide is then shown.
Mark Whitten now takes the stage.
“I’m going to give you a taste of what powers the new Xbox”. Mentioned the specifications quite quickly, check back with the site later for a full list.
Talked about 3 tiers of operating systems of importance, first being allowing creators the ability to create a cinematic realism, the kernal of windows allowing for application switching and the third is the instant switching and control.
Mark Whitten starts again emphasising the “entertainment device” mentions the switching abilities again and how instant it is. Then moves on to looking at Kinect. He shows that there are more joints in the camera sensor now for Kinect.
Moves on to talking about the control, mentions updated ergonomics, newly designed D-Pad. Looks the same as 360 controller, cosmetically different though.
Also talks about smart glass for a moment, mentions that the devices work together to create new experiences.
Says that more than 300,000 servers will be used to power the Xbox One’s new Xbox live. Everything is stored in the cloud.
Talks about game DVR and editing tools that will be recorded and stored on the cloud, developers will also be able to use the servers for bigger worlds.
Andrew Wilson from Electronic Arts now takes the stage
Immediately starts talking about EA sports, mentions FIFA, UFC, Madden and NBa Live.

A video is shown with different sportsman talking about the different sports that EA is making their games for.
Talks about Fifa 14 ultimate team, which is available exclusive to Xbox One as a new feature.
Phil Spencer now takes the stage
“Games will be more personal and connected than ever before”. All throughout the conference Xbox talks about the connected gamer, the connected gamer seems to be the emphasis of this conference at this point much of this from the TV and internet and skype connections being integrated into the console.
A new Forza game is then shown, it is mentioned as being available at launch.
Mentions another game called Quantum Break, mentions a bit about how it is a story telling experience type of game.
Mentions that there will be “more” than 15 games during the first year of Xbox One and that 8 of them are new franchises. Doesn’t mention what they are, just that they are in development.
Nancy Tellum takes the stage
Starts immediately talking about TV shows again, mentions her time at CBS. Talks about the television viewing experience as being a one way street, but not on the Xbox. “For the first time ever TV will be personalised to your needs….for Xbox TV will become social”.
Bonnie Ross takes the stage
Bonnie Ross then joins the stage, she is the head of 343 industries. She immediately talks about stories and then starts talking about Halo. Continues to talk about the television medium, talks about brining TV story telling to the Xbox. Announces a live action halo series.
A Steven Spielberg video is then shown, he has some comments on the Halo universe which was just announced and how he was always a gamer since pong days.
Halo is coming as a “premium television series” – Nancy Tellum
A video is then shown for NFL and a better experience when watching this game is emphasised again for TV.
Don Mattrick then returns to the stage
Thanks us for watching the show, summarises what happens a bit. Says Xbox One will be available around the world later this year.
Mentions Call Of Duty as coming to the console, that it will launch exclusively “first” on Xbox One.
Eric Hirshberg takes the stage
Eric Hirshberg takes the stage from Activision, talks a bit about Call Of Duty. Says that they chose not to make modern warfare 4 and decided instead to make ghosts as it allowed more creative freedom for them at infinity ward.
A video is then shown from Infinity Ward that talked a bit about the making of Call Of Duty, things like dynamic maps and customisation are emphasised and gameplay is constantly mentioned.
Shows a comparison video between the current gen player models and next generation models by comparing the Call Of Duty model comparison.
A trailer is then shown for Call Of Duty Ghosts
Xbox One Logo is shown
The conference ends.
To much sport, cod Isn’t innovation, if I want to watch tv i’ll put channel 9 I doubt they will even have tv apps like that in australia for our shows like the voice or even nrl! Ps4 has much more game range