Xbox One Fall Update Available Today

Microsoft has today released the new Xbox One fall update. The company for this update was focused on personalization, discovery and speed for the console. There is also some emphasis on a new feature allowing users to transfer games between consoles, mainly due to the imminent launch of the Xbox One X soon, which will be handy for those choosing to upgrade soon.

Xbox One Fall Update

Microsoft has sent us a full list of the new features for their fall update. They are as follows:

You can personalise your “Home” more than ever before: You can…

You’ll experience a fast, powerful and convenient Guide:

Don’t worry about missing any actions when you step away from your console:

Get a head start on Xbox One X (Launch Day Nov 7): Your console setup experience will be quicker for both new users and upgraders. There are new options to help save time when moving from one Xbox One to another (including Xbox One X), so you can get back to playing faster.

Discover and Create Engaging Content:

Other big features include…

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