So the Avenger’s movie came out on Blu ray and DVD not long ago. While most will be looking to purchase it before Christmas arrives here is a short look at what you might be able to get with that purchase.
It’s a good combo it also comes with a free Avengers comic for you to read. I have to say I enjoyed the movie a lot more on Blu ray. One reason because I think I like it better in 2D. In the cinema I watched the 3D version and I wasn’t that impressed by how the film looked but when I saw it on Blu-ray I thought the film looked much better than I remembered it. Maybe because it was in HD I’m not sure. But it looks visually spectacular.
On the Blu ray disc there are some extra’s like deleted scenes you can view after you watch the film. I actually found these interesting and I watched all of them. Some of them I wondered why they were cut. There was an added scene with Captain America having a coffee at a small shop near Stark tower. A waitress (who is in the main film at the end saying she was rescued by him) appears and talks about how everyone sits there to see Iron man (not knowing she was talking to Captain America). I like this scene I thought it added to that character a lot more. Interestingly the Blu ray has an alternative beginning and end to the film which completely changes the films tone. It focuses on the character agent Maria Hill (Cobie Smulders) retelling events that occurred to set up and close the film. I thought it was interesting and made me think about that character who with that alternate version deleted was really a minor character in the movie but it made me think about what they were like or their motives in the movie. Another of the extra’s is something called One shot item 47. It is this funny short film where two bad guys find one of the aliens guns from the movie and try to rob banks with it and things it’s sort of funny.
So far the movie leaves me glad I bought it and now own this film in my collection.
Some thoughts and Questions about the film
Watching the film for the second time I like Captain America a lot more than I did the first time I saw it. I thought what he was saying made more sense when I listened and appreciated the context from where his ideas were coming from especially the scene when Loki was captured and they were arguing in the room. I thought he was trying to define more of what the hero is supposed to be and throughout the movie I think he is really the only one saving and rescuing civilians. In contrast to Iron Man who I really like, I never see him save anyone.
Watching it for the second time I liked Loki as well. I thought he was a better villain than I remembered. Knowing that Loki is the trickster God in Norse mythology I sort of wonder now if it was his plan all along to trick everyone including the Avenger’s and Thor into fighting him capturing him and returning him to Asgard. As you know if you seen Thor he couldn’t get back there at the end. If this is so, I feel as if Loki won. He is very intelligent and does think through quite a lot of things everything about him is tricks even the disappearing act he does used to trap Thor and trick/kill Agent Phil Coulsen. What did he promise the army he bought to earth? Did he trick them? Loki is also a God of mischief is that not what the army was just some mischief? Does anyone else think this? Did he win??
So now I’m more interested in the movie than I was when I first saw it a while ago. I’m looking forward to the second one after the villain reveal in the end I hope it’s interesting. I also hope they don’t make it just big long fight scenes. I hope we get a good story to.
Make sure to check back with Resident Entertainment for more Blu-ray or DVD reviews in the future.
Cool, I’ll try get it