How To Get A Knockback 1000 Stick In Minecraft
A knockback 1000 stick is awesome to have in Minecraft and super fun to play with! To get it, you need to have Minecraft Java version and also a PC. Just follow these simple steps and you’ll have that stick in like 5 minutes.
Step 1 – Start a new game and make sure you select “Allow cheats ON”

Step 2 – Press the letter “T” on your keyboard to bring up the chat dialogue box.

Step 3 – Copy and paste this text into the chat. The knockback stick command is /give @p minecraft:stick{Enchantments:[{id:knockback,lvl:1000}]} 1
Press Control + V on your keyboard to paste it in the game chat. Then press “Enter”.

Step 4 – The Knockback 1000 Stick should now be in your inventory

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