Terminator: Dark Fate is a film which comes directed by Tim Miller who some may know as the director of Deadpool (2016). The film stars Linda Hamilton, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Mackenzie Davis, Natalie Reyes and Gabriel Luna.
I’ve always been a fan of the Terminator franchise. I guess most people who are tend to enjoy the first film and adore the second film. The rest of the films are fun to watch but aren’t really as memorable or as great as Terminator 2. I guess this also applies to Terminator: Dark Fate. The film spends much of its time revisiting things we’ve seen in the series before and once I got out of there on the night I wasn’t too sure it was necessary. There was so much opportunity to do something new but it just felt like any other of the recent films.
Having Linda Hamilton back in the series was great. She brought a heavy presence to the film but at the same time having that character there in a way overshadowed much of the early plot the film was attempting to develop. It’s like this. A Terminator appears and starts going after a young woman named Dani (Natalia Reyes). Another Terminator is sent to protect Dani and the story is getting set up. Then Linda Hamilton comes along after some time with the first two characters and the movie becomes about Sarah Conner and the other two are sidelined. By the time Arnold Schwarzenegger turns up we go in a different direction yet again and Sarah Connor is sidelined, with the other two almost forgotten by then and it feels like a bit of a mess. A lot of film time is wasted going over what Sarah Conner has been doing all these years and then also what the ageing T-800 has been doing. But who cares about the two newest characters, let’s not develop them at all.
The action sequences are the highlight of the film. If anything is good in this film, it’s the action. It’s a bunch of fun sitting there watching Terminators fight each other on the big screen with the latest special effects.The villain in the film Gabriel, is a Terminator that is able to split in two and that makes for some interesting sequences. Grace who is the new hero Terminator is also very interesting with what she can do. I had a great time watching this all on the big screen.
In the end I would say that Terminator: Dark Fate is worth watching for a few reasons. The first is if you are wanting an action film this weekend, the second is if you are a Terminator franchise fan and the third is if you’re a fan of Linda Hamilton or Arnold Schwarzenegger. The film is fun enough to go see one night but the story is a bit of a mess, that’s all.