The Avengers: Age Of Ultron is the long awaited sequel to The Avengers (2012) and sees the return of writer and director Joss Whedon for the second installment. Age Of Ultron sees lots of familiar cast members return such as Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner and Don Cheadle. There are also some new cast members such as James Spader, Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Elizabeth Olsen.
Avengers: Age Of Ultron Trailer
Avengers: Age Of Ultron Review
In this Avengers outing, Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) works with Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo) to create an artificial intelligence strong enough to keep the world safe and maintain peace for all. The new artificial intelligence they create ends up being a big problem though, it turns into what is known as Ultron (James Spader). Ultron doesn’t fully understand his purpose and thinks to get peace he must do some really bad things to the world. It’s time for the Avengers to assemble, but will they all be strong enough to beat Ultron? You’ll have to watch to find out.
The plot of Avengers: Age Of Ultron is fairly solid and also very easy to follow even with the many characters inside the film. The characters are fairly dynamic and we learn some new things about each of them them, such as getting a glimpse at the private life of Hawkeye/Clint Barton (Jeremy Renner). We also get to see a bit of a romance form between The Hulk/Bruce Banner and Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) which is interesting to see develop. There is also quite a few action scenes and fights due to tensions within the group such as Iron Man V Hulk or Thor V Hulk and everyone V Ultron which are a lot of fun to watch.
In Avengers: Age Of Ultron there are some apects of the film which act as plugs for other films from Marvel yet to come. There’s a point where Thor (Chris Hemsworth) goes into a small magical pool and swims there a bit which results in him having a vision of the future which will likely be for the next Thor film. These things are okay and they are interesting but at times they feel a bit too distracting from the main films story.

Avengers: Age Of Ultron is a film that many go along to see for a good time and it provides exactly that. The dialogue is well written from Joss Whedon and it’s much more funny than the first Avengers film. Characters have always got some witty remarks to say or clever lines which are spoken almost non stop. Even Ultron himself manages to get quite a few of them. The directing from Joss Whedon is is also very good with some nice pacing throughout, the film neither feels rushed or long. The ending is a bit of an issue, it’s not the best ending ever, but it’s enough for another sequel. The better scenes in my view were the more dialogue heavy ones with everyone just sitting around chatting as it’s interesting to see how the characters interact. My favourite scene was the one where everyone went around the table and tried to lift Thor’s hammer after they all went to a party, actually the whole party scene in the film was good fun.
The performances from the actors are all spot on in every way possible, many of them have acted as their characters before so they all know what they are doing. Mark Ruffalo, Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson and Chris Hemsworth are all very entertaining. Although Chris Evans doesn’t seem to have many memorable scenes compared to the rest while Ruffalo’s Hulk/Banner gets a lot of great moments.
In my view James Spader was perfectly cast as Ultron because he does really well here, you can feel his presence on screen even though you can’t actually see him because he’s a robot. From the voice acting to his performance as a whole, James Spader was the perfect choice for the films villain. Other newcomers to the Avengers such as Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Elizabeth Olsen were interesting but as characters and actors they really are overshadowed by the much more famous main cast and characters of the film.
The music in Avengers: Age Of Ultron comes from Danny Elfman and Brian Taylor who have composed some nice pieces to listen to throughout the movie. The music of Avengers: Age Of Ultron is much more consistent and is used in a much better way than in the previous Avengers. Sound effects are all well done with many laser sounds, explosions and even occasional gunfire all having a solid impact in the cinema. Special effects are also worth a mention as everything looks great on screen from Iron Man’s shiny suit to an even shinier Ultron armor.
Avengers: Age Of Ultron is an entertaining film and is well worth seeing if you’re a fan of these Marvel superhero films. Its plot is solid and easy to follow, although it does have a fairly standard superhero v super villain, “take over the world” storyline, but that doesn’t matter. James Spader’s performance as Ultron is worth seeing as his voice acting is spot on. While the rest of the main cast all deliver great performances as usual. There’s some very entertaining action sequences to see and the character dynamics are handled well. Avengers: Age Of Ultron is well worth a trip to the cinema and it’s a lot of fun to watch.
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