The Dark Knight rises was release a short time ago on Blu-ray and DVD. So far I’ve watched it once through a marathon I did where I watched all 3 in a day and then again on DVD when I was just curious to see what was on that disc. I have to say it’s quite a good movie seeing it for the second time. Although nothing beats the cinema experience I do really enjoy owning all three of Nolan’s Batman films now.

The Blu-ray and dvd edition of the movie is actually quite an very visually appearing boxed package. It comes with a Batman and a Bane figurine which you can play with, or just keep in the box if you’re some collector type, but I guess you can use them for various purposes.
I’ve watched the Blu ray disc and the DVD. However I found the Blu ray to be not that good as I thought as you have to download an app that goes with it called the “Dark knight rises fx app” I tried to go and get it but I think it’s only for apple devices as when I watched the movie on Thursday I searched in the android Google play store and could not find it. I would like to know what was on it or if it was good but it was a bit disappointing.
On the DVD film disc that came with it there aren’t actually any special features. It does however start with a trailer for the new Superman movie. Which I’m literally super excited about for next year. It would have been good to have some commentaries on either of the discs which there doesn’t seem to be. You can view the trailer for Superman on our site here
There is however an entire extra Blu ray disc full of of special features. Some interesting stuff in there such as a very detailed feature on the evolution of the Batmobile which goes through all the design elements of every Batmobile there has been thus far. It’s interesting seeing how it has developed over time a concept and a part of Batman. It has some good comments from directors like Nolan and Burton and some views and opinions from people who worked on the Batman the animated series along with some comments from previous Batman’s like Christian Bale and Adam West. It goes for about an hour and is quite interesting to watch for me as a fan of the character.
It also has all the trailers and print advertisement on the disc for you to view. Mostly just the theatrical trailers such as the one below.
Apart from that there is a very long and detailed behind the scenes for the film. Which are actually pretty interesting if you like knowing those types of things. The part about how the plane scene at the start is quite interesting. There is a surprisingly large amount of work that goes into these types of films. However it would have been better if each individual segment went longer they are only about 3 minutes or so each.
Overall I really like the DVD/Blu ray. I’ve seen the movie twice now, I actually was just wanting to know what the difference was with the DVD but then when I watched the first 1 minute I ended up just watching it all again. I got drawn into it after viewing the plane scene again. Basically it’s a good thing to own especially if you’re a fan of the Nolan trilogy but it does lack film commentaries which I think would have been good to have in it.
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