Please Be Aware There Are Spoilers In Our Dragon Ball Super Episode 93 Review Discussion
Dragon Ball Super episode 93 just aired and in it quite a few things happened for the series but not too much that we didn’t expect from last week. Goku travelled to hell to go and visit Freiza and ask him if he can join his team and Cabba continued to train both Caulifla and Kale for the tournament.
The recruitment of Freiza in the team has been known by a few people in the fandom for a while with a whole bunch of people leaking the info online for some time. The big thing about this episode from watching the preview last week was the reveal of what exactly it was that Freiza would ask for if he goes into the tournament. I guess it might have been exactly what we all thought it might be, he wants to be wished back to life.
What’s more interesting in this episode is that there was a slight small moment when Goku was suggesting to everyone to recruit Freiza, some members in the team like Vegeta noticed some doubt in Goku that his current team could win. There was some sort of suggestion here that Goku might be up to something. Later on when chatting to Freiza, Freiza notices the same thing. He says “You’re plotting something aren’t you?”and Goku replied “pretty much”. I think the tone change here is something to make note of, is there something that Goku is plotting? Freiza is one to never really trust other people’s motives, being a bad guy himself, is he right about something here?

Another big development for the episode was during the training of Kale by Caulifla and Cabba. Kale struggles at first but eventually transforms into a Super Saiyan and not just any normal type either but one that is I guess a little reminiscent of the Broly character who once appeared in Dragon Ball Z. It’s not known to me is this is the same power as a Broly or if it’s something new. Maybe the female Saiyans are different to the male ones, I don’t know at this time. Even more interesting is that it seems Caulifla has the ability to go Super Saiyan 2 already which I guess puts her ahead of both Cabba and Kale for now in strength. While it’s been a super fast pace for these characters to reach this level, I feel Super is a lot more sped up with its story than Dragon Ball Z was. I do however like the addition of female Saiyans to the show and hope it’s something that continues going forward, at least for more diversity.

There was small development towards the end with a member from Universe 4 seen spying on the group. It seems they are launching a plot against Universe 7 which may involve either Beerus or Freiza in the next episode, there was a line about putting Beerus to sleep from one of them. What could this mean?
Overall this was a fun episode for the show, but with each new development each week. I do like that they’re showing the other universes now. But I’m starting to really like Universe 6, are they really going to wipe out all these great characters?