Until Dawn is a game I didn’t really know about at all, but discovered it when I attended the EB Expo a few weeks ago. I saw it set up next to the Bloodborne game with about 3 units dedicated to Until Dawn and noticed it mainly because of its graphics.
When I tried out Until Dawn I had no idea what it was so I didn’t know what I was in for. But the gameplay in this game is similar to what you would expect from Heavy Rain or Beyond: Two Souls, which are two favourite games of mine. But rather than being a drama/thriller like those games are this is more of a survival horror game which makes it a bit different to play.
The main thing I like about these types of games is the graphics of them, I guess because the developers don’t need to worry so much about the gameplay, they can focus on the cool cut scenes and these “film like sets” your character can explore for each of the scenes in the story, which can make everything seem very real. I always also like to look at the detail put into characters eyes in games. Until Dawn had good attention to the eye details of different characters. Not many people think it matters much, but if you can get the eyes right it can add a lot to the realism.

But with this game I thought on one hand that it was quite good from a graphical point of view, but characters seemed a little bit silly. I’m not really such a fan of what looked like clown/mask wearing type villains that were around which kept popping up and the story from what I could grasp from the game seemed to be something I’ve seen in many haunted house movies, but instead of being haunted, the house is filled with these maniacs. It follows the story of this group of people who go spend the night at this place they found, but this crazy maniac is also there and begins to terrorize them and scare the poor group of friends.
Until Dawn was probably one of the games that intrigued me the most out of the EB Expo, but when I got home I was kind of disappointed with how the trailer presents the game. While I only played it for probably 15 minutes before the demo ended and I couldn’t hear much of what the characters were saying because I was in a crowded environment, it seemed alright. It’s just the villains that I thought were a bit meh.. but I can’t tell everything about the story and judge villains if they are good or not from a few minutes of playing Until Dawn, but it has peaked my interest. I really liked the in game graphics and presentation though and that’s what first drew me to the game and it’s what is keeping me interested.
Until Dawn is coming exclusively to the PS4 and has no release date at the moment apart from 2015 somewhere. I’d say to keep a lookout for further announcements about the game on the site as I’ll try follow it and put updates up because I’d like to see how this one comes along. I’m hoping the story starts to appeal to me much more as we learn more about it up until its release.
Comment below if you have any questions, happy to chat about it.
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