Magic Mike XXL is a film about several male stripper’s who travel to a male stripper convention in order to have one last performance together as a group. Magic Mike XXL stars Channing Tatum, Joe Manganiello, Matt Bomer, Amber Heard and Jada Pinkett Smith. It’s a film which is directed by Gregory Jacobs who some may know as the director of films such as Wind Chill (2007) and Criminal (2004).
Magic Mike XXL Trailer
Magic Mike XXL Review
There’s not much to the plot of Magic Mike XXL really, it’s just a group of guys who really want to get on the road and attend a stripper convention. Sure they have some issues along the way, such as figuring out their best routine, picking up a girl or making some money. But all this is just noise around the true spirit of the film and that’s seeing Channing Tatum, Joe Manganiello and a whole range of other male actors dance to some very provocative music.

I myself don’t find this film to be the most attractive film to go out and see but I’m in no way the target audience for this type of thing. At the screening I went to, it was almost entirely filled with women. I saw them all giggling, laughing and all in all having an overall great time with this film and in my view that says a lot to suggest the target audience loved watching Magic Mike XXL.
The music is well chosen and the performances are well executed. Director Gregory Jacobs did quite well when it came to choosing the right type of tone for the film and even though I’m not the target audience, I did find it still to be fun in the end. There are few parts that are funny and as I said women were giggling the whole way through all of this film.

Where the film comes down in a big way is with its script. I can’t say really that it’s in any way a masterpiece at all, characters are there mainly just to dance at the convention and I didn’t see any type of real character building going on. Looking back on the film, I’m not sure what the true point of it all was or what the key message the filmmakers were trying to get out to us could be. But I have to give script writer’s some points in that they found a whole heap of situations in which the men in the film would have a reason to either dance, or remove their shirts and considering it’s got a run time of almost 2 hours, it’s quite the achievement.
The actors are all okay, but script doesn’t really give them much to work with in terms of an emotional performance. Although if you’re going into this film just looking to see Channing Tatum, Joe Manganiello and their friends dance around with half their clothes off, then you’ll get exactly that, but don’t go in expecting the best film ever made.

Magic Mike XXL is a film that is predominantly aimed at women and made for women. After seeing the reaction from many of the women in the audience, both during the film and after it, I am very confident when it comes to recommending this film for women to go and watch this weekend. I’m not sure how much men would get out of watching this at all, but I didn’t really feel it was the worst ever thing to sit through at the cinema. However other than watching the dance performances, Magic Mike XXL isn’t much when it comes to a deep story or solid acting. But the ladies will likely love this film and I haven’t seen anything at all to suggest otherwise.