PS4 Event coverage
- PS4 is announced
- So is dual shock 4 as the new control for the system
- lot’s of things centred around social gaming for the new console. A share button is on the console’s controller so you can take photo’s or upload video’s to share where as you like.
- Ps4 and the vita will be utilising Sony’s recently acquired Gaikai for cloud service gaming
- Has 8gb of memory
- A big focus around the developers and game creaters with the system design
- Killzone 4 shadowfall announced as a new game [youtube][/youtube]
- Drive Club announced as a new game
- Knack announced as a new game [youtube][/youtube]
- Watch Dogs announced as a new game [youtube][/youtube]
- The witness announced as a new game
- Infamous second son announced as a new game [youtube][/youtube]
- Capcom announces a new game called Deep Down
- Blizzard Entertainment and Sony have entered into a strategic partnership for the PS4. They will be releasing for the PS4 and the PS3 with Diablo 3
- Games developer Bungie (Previously Microsoft exclusive and the makers of Halo), working with Activision is developing for the PS4.
- Bungie is developing a game called Destiny an all new FPS.
- Releases during the “holiday 2013”, no specific date or price given
How much will the PS4 be in Australia?
Although there were no official pricing or mentions of it in the live stream. In Australia at EB games you can pre order the ps4 for $899. While launch title games will be $118 and the new dual shock controller is $99.
Some screen shots have been taken from the EB games site
shown on the left and below of their pre order prices.
Let us know in the comments what you think
that bungie studio is a big blow to microsoft and xbox. big win to sony
now i can finally use my vita for games
Woah, it looks awesome