This episode of the show sees our heroes move through a small old town when they are all of a sudden attacked by some dogs. Our heroes were supposed to meet around this area for the rendezvous they agreed upon earlier. Miles, Nora and Charlie were to meet Maggie and Aaron in the area. But were attacked by a man and his dogs because they were trespassing on his territory. One of our heroes in this episode will not survive however and it tries its best to leave us in suspense.
This episode seemed to get a little better than the others in terms of action and suspense but all in all I felt it was a little cliche in that I felt I had seen this all before. The man with the dogs captures Charlie and holds her prisoner, he does some torturing and lays a trap. Where it seems when she is rescued she could potentially die because well…. He made a trap so if someone enters the room she is killed. I’m not sure if anyone was surprised to find out that in the end he is easily bested in hand to hand fight with Miles and well the trap doesn’t work and Charlie escapes it just in the last moment.
There is a character death scene but in not to spoil the episode in its entirety I won’t say who it was, but what I did think is they wasted a character they developed a little bit here and there. Just when they seemed at least a little interesting they got rid of them.
Increasingly for this show I feel that the characters are quite bland and uninteresting at this point and the only reason to watch is probably for the short villain scenes with Monroe and Rachel and for me the show’s strong point is in this area and not in the other characters. I’m not sure what the audience is for the show but never is anything hard to figure our and the twists can be seen coming from miles away without much thought. It’s just a very simple storyline adventure story without anything much at all to think about in viewing. It would be interesting to see how the show is rating in different countries or how long it will last. But I think it needs more mystery than a usb electricity source and maybe more a hero to villain rivalry because at the moment I just don’t see it.