Mors Indecepta is the 7th episode of the season for Spartacus war of the damned. It presents itself with themes of doom, Mors Indecepta is latin for the bringer of death (Crassus). Spartacus has been named the bringer of rain throughout the series and is truly tested in this episode as to the strategies available to him. Spartacus can either stand and fight Crassus’ legions as Crixus would have him do or he could try to escape through Crassus’ impossible ridge. Each choice lays a heavy burden upon Spartacus’ mind and the blizzard causes much trouble and death for his people, just what opportunity will present remains the question of the episode.
This episode is not much in major plot developments other than changes in strategy for Spartacus as he moves against Crassus and his forces. The episode is much more focused upon the struggles of characters within the rebel camp and of course Kore (slave to Crassus) who makes quite the decision towards the end of the episode. The main focus is on actions and meaning, what each character does has some type of meaning and of course Spartacus’ is of most importance plot wise.

First off there is increasing tension between Spartacus and Crixus as to the strategy of battling Crassus. Crixus wishes to move to attack and fight as that is what gladiator’s do while Spartacus is more cautious in his approach. The disagreement leads to a fight between the two, eventually things get better between the two when Spartacus exploits an opportunity against Crassus but it takes time.
Gannicus is interesting in this episode as his character is further developed, he seems increasingly this season to be changing as a character that used to think mainly of himself and his own pleasures and desires but is slowly starting to include others in his thoughts, like Sybil.
Apart from Gannicus Laeta still lives and it seems her relationship with Spartacus will be further developed as in this episodes scene below and most possibly in the future. It’s interesting to watch as what I believe she shows Spartacus is that even though she was a Roman she was never really free and her position was actually just set as is a slaves based on her position in Rome. Laeta really held not much freedom at all in the end as is that of many Roman’s in a position and status based society.
There are fantastic scenes towards the end and a hilarious taunt from Crixus but I cannot tell them without spoiling the episodes plot and ending you will just have to see. Also as for Kore’s decision about what she will do it’s also in the ending so more on that in the next episode’s review I guess. What I will say though is that Crassus and Tiberius have become increasingly close and this proves difficult for Kore to tell Crassus what happened to her in the followers camp. Mainly because of her position of slave and Tiberius’ position of son to Crassus and their new closeness placing Kore in a more difficult position than usual.
Overall it was a great episode full of strategic decisions, character building, contrasts between positions in society and great action scenes. Mors Indecepta is not the most memorable episode of the season or the best but it’s important in making points that will be the basis for future episodes. Kore’s decision proves that the most, but also Gannicus’ actions and Laeta’s portrayal of her character all move to provide a certain point and theme for the show. This is what makes Spartacus such a great show, apart from large action scenes it often subtly slips themes and symbols making each episode valuable.