Episode 3 of revolution sees the main character’s Miles, Charlie and new addition Nora head towards a rebel encampment to regroup and plan what could be done to help save Charlie’s brother Danny from general Monroe and the possibility of defeating the general as well.
All is not well however for the show’s heroes as while they are talking and planning the militia seems to find the location and attack their camp. The episode then becomes something of an escape episode where the main characters must escape the assault or die at the hands of the militia who far outnumber them in manpower and firepower. While a well placed sniper does well to stretch out the scenario for much of the episode’s length.
Tasks are done with great difficulty to escape from the militia only to be captured in the end and escape before the episode is fully completed. The episode seems to be a filler episode for the season where not much really happens apart from the action sequences which are done to an adequate undertaking.
While there are some revelations such as that Miles was once part of the Militia and that he was not just part of it, but the commanding general. While Maggie and Aaron listen to some Marvin Gaye and turn on their iphone with the mystery electricity pendant.
The episode does well to provide enough mystery yet again to possibly retain viewing for another week but honestly how long they can maintain the audiences interest in this electric pendant is a mystery and hopefully something can be done with it soon or most hopefully by season’s end.
Revolution could do well to continue expanding characters and their development particularly the relationship between Miles and Monroe and what exactly led to their falling out and what made Miles leave that militia which he co-founded it now seems. For me it is a much more interesting story than trying to save Charlie’s brother or figuring out how the turn on the electricity. Hopefully in time this will become the focus. But as a post apocalyptic tv series I imagine it will most likely focus on action scenes and travel scenes to forward the plot rather than focusing on characters and meanings. Only time will tell.
You can catch up on revolution on Fox8 in Australia or NBC in the USA. Check your local guides for listings in other countries