Themes are something that have been around for a long time on the PS3, with players able to customise the look of their dashboards and change the colours and icons and things like that. Now this feature is coming to both the PS4 and the PS Vita, so there should be a lot of interesting looking PS4 screens and PS Vita screens soon.
The themes will come with the version 2.00 update for the PS4 and version 3.30 for the PS Vita. The exact date of the update has not been specified by Sony except with the detail that it will be “in the coming weeks”.

In addition to the theme announcement Sony also announced that the PS Vita will be getting Live From PlayStation as an App for the Vita. Live From PlayStation has been available on the PS4 since launch. Basically players will be able to watch others stream their games through it, which is good for people who like watching those things.