Underwater is a film which comes directed by William Eubank who some may know as the director of The Signal (2014). The film stars Kristen Stewart, T.J. Miller and Vincent Cassel. Underwater is an action/horror/monster film about a group of scientists who are tunnelling deep into the ocean floor, but come into some trouble when they encounter hidden dangers.
This is a film that’s very under the radar at the moment. I have barely seen any ads around and hadn’t even seen the trailer for it before I went to see it this week. If you are the same and haven’t seen anything related to this film at all, I’d say to keep it that way. This film works best as one you go in to see completely fresh and knowing nothing about it. Coming out of this film this week had me surprised how much I enjoyed it and it may possibly be one of 2019’s hidden gems. I doubt many people will see it at the cinema considering the low level of marketing I’ve seen but I feel like this is going to be in amongst a lot of people’s favourites once it hits a streaming service, or comes out to rent later in the year.
Underwater is a science fiction/horror/monster film about a group of scientists digging underwater. I enjoyed the setting of this film. Being underwater most of the time meant the setting was fairly unique and the underwater bases they lived inside made things feel very compressed and small. Just the type of thing you would want for the type of film this genre is in.
I don’t want to really spoil much of the story really. But I feel like this film is kind of a mix between a Godzilla movie and The Thing. People who will like the experience that Underwater provides will be those who enjoy monster movies first and foremost, followed by people who like science fiction and then maybe people who like horror. The horror element is okay, but I didn’t find the film scary really. There are some troubling bits and for those who don’t like to be underwater I guess it’s scary to see. But it’s not too bad.
The actors are all okay. But the only stand out performance is from Kristen Stewart who is the main character in Underwater. She does pretty well with the role and has a much different look to how we’ve seen her in the past with very short blonde hair, but it works for the character and for this film quite well. The other actors are all okay, I mostly have forgotten them all now though as their characters weren’t to memorable.
If you want to go and see something different this weekend and do like science fiction or monster films like Godzilla or The Thing then this may be something interesting for you to see. While the film isn’t the greatest thing you’ll ever see, it does have some surprising moments and can be a lot of fun. I had a good time with this one and was pleasantly surprised with what was in this film. Hoping to see more films from William Eubank in the future after seeing Underwater.