I absolutely adored the latest 300 film and you can see my full review of the film right here. What these videos are, is they are basically a look at to main characters in the film which are Artemisia and Themistocles. Each video takes you through a bit of the characterisation and details a little bit about them for you in an interesting way.
I will warn you though that if you are sensitive to spoilers to maybe avoid these videos as they do contain quite a few in them. I would wait until after the film to watch them, but if you are curious they don’t ruin that much just a few scenes. My review for the film is spoiler free so be sure to check that out.
The Heroes of 300: Rise Of An Empire
The Villains Of 300: Rise Of An Empire
We also have some more 300: Rise Of An Empire posts coming later in the week and also some behind the scenes images to look at as well. So be sure to keep checking back with the site.