For those playing Final Fantasy XIV, patch 2.2 is coming. It comes with a new main scenario called Through the Maelstrom and features new side quests and a brand new primal boss.
The Main Scenario in Through the Maelstrom calls for the Scions of the Seventh Dawn to settle unrest in Eorzea once again. The city states Gridania, Limsa Lominsa, and Ul’dah suffer political unrest. The beast tribes are still up to their old habits and work towards summoning another primal to ravage the land. In order to preserve the peace and save Eorzea, the Scions and the Warriors of Light are heading straight into the Maelstrom.
The Sahagin beat tribe has succeeded in summoning their primal Leviathan seen below. The primal battle called, The Whorleater, is also available in Hard and Extreme mode.
There’s also a battle with long time Final Fantasy mainstay and rare weapon collector Gilgamesh:
Looks like they’ve brought in a lot of new things with this update