There Are Some Spoilers In Our Dragon Ball Super Episode 112 Review – Discussion
So this week’s episode of Dragon Ball super just aired and our heroes are all still battling all the other fighters in the Tournament of power. Each week now as it gets closer to the end, it’s almost like a ‘who will survive?’ episode. This week, we get a much bigger episode for Vegeta and his apprentice, Cabba.
We haven’t seen much at all from Vegeta so far for this tournament. While it is true that he has popped up here and there, I feel he hasn’t got a single episode to himself. Other characters have had almost entire episodes devoted to them as the main focus, Hit got two of them! Kale and Caulifla, Krillin, Gohan and even Android 17 got one. Now it’s finally time we get to have something from Vegeta.
The episode stars with a slight focus on Kale and Caulifla, they are approached by a Universe 4 fighter who challenges them and just as they are about to fight, Cabba steps in and decides to carry for the team. This is a fighter we really haven’t seen much of at all, it seems in comparison to Kale and Caulifla who have reached much higher levels, Cabba is unfortunately sidelined as the weaker of the lot. He does of course struggle with his opponent and seems to get knocked off rather quickly, only to be saved by Vegeta, his master, at the last moment.

It’s the exchange between Vegeta and Cabba after the saving which I think is the most important part of this episode, maybe even for the arc as a whole. We hear Vegeta reveal his wish and his intentions to wish back members of Universe 6 with the Super Dragon balls. I’ve been saying it for weeks now that I just can’t see the writers wiping away such great characters. I just couldn’t see it and this is the first proof that I have, that I don’t think they will. Vegeta’s mentioning of his intention to one day visit Cabba’s home world, is also interesting as well, I do wonder if this might be another arc we could get in the future. I would certainly be very interested in watching something like that.
Vegeta leaves Cabba and tells him to be much stronger. Cabba defeats his opponent and Universe 4 is down one more fighter. Unfortunately though, Frieza does hear Vegeta and Cabba chatting and since Frieza probably still hates Vegeta and doesn’t like Saiyans all that much either, he takes down Cabba quite quickly. While we do see Cabba reach Super Saiyan 2 in this episode and it’s somewhat similar to Gohan’s appearance back in DBZ, this form is no match for Frieza in Golden form and he’s blown away very quickly.
Right at the end of the episode we see Caulifla tell Goku that she’s got her energy back and she challenges him to a fight. He’s very worn out though and ends up near Vegeta. Toppo and Vegeta are already engaged in battle, that is certainly a fight worth watching as well.
This was another great episode, but a lot lighter and almost comedic in its tone at certain times. This is something that’s been following Vegeta’s appearances throughout this arc, he’s always had so far the lighter toned episodes. Going into next week, I’m interested to see the results from these two fights at the moment and from looking at the trailer, I did hear Goku mention Super Saiyan 3, I wonder if he’ll actually use it?