Ford Vs Ferrari is a film which comes directed by James Mangold who some may know as the director of Walk The Line (2005). The film stars Christian Bale, Matt Damon, Jon Bernthal and Catriona Balfe.
I was quite interested in seeing this film as the cast is actually excellent. Christian Bale lately has been very good in all his recent performances and my expectations for this film were set quite high. I was definitely impressed with the acting once I came out of the cinema, Christian Bale was excellent!
The film is based on the historical Ford V Ferrari event which was a major point in the history of the Ford Motor Company. It was a time in which the Ford Motot Company entered into the racing scene and ended up creating the Ford GT. I had heard about the race a a few times in the past and knew a little about the Ford GT, but I’m no expert on the events so how accurate the film is I cannot say. But I do think the the film does capture a bit of the essence of what was going on at the time.
The film also has some strong themes to do with corporate politics and the difficulties that talented people within an organisation can come up against when others may sabotage their efforts for political reasons, in order get ahead in a company and it’s very interesting to see.
As a film I really enjoyed this one. James Mangold did well to capture the essence of the historical period and the actors all did well to deliver dramatic performances when needed. Ford V Ferrari is a well put together drama that I’m happy to recommend seeing at the cinema this weekend. Especially if you enjoy automobile history or are Christian Bale fan. If you can’t make it to the cinema that is okay as this will one day be a decent find on something like Netflix one night.