Hot Pursuit Australian Release Date
The Hot Pursuit Australian release date is June 11 2015. Hot Pursuit stars Reese Witherspoon who plays Cooper and Sofia Vergara who plays Daniella Riva in the film. Hot Pursuit comes directed by Anne Fletcher who some may know as the director of the The Guilt Trip (2012) or 27 Dresses (2008).
Hot Pursuit Trailer
Hot Pursuit follows the story of a police officer who seeks to protect a widowed wife of a crime boss in Texas. According to IMDB’s trivia page Hot Pursuit is a remake of a film of the same name made in 1987.

Other Release Dates
The United Statesr release date for Hot Pursuit was the 8th of May 2015 and the film is due to be release in the UK on July 31.
For more on release date news please take a look at our release dates page right here.