Infini is a science fiction film which is directed by Shane Abbess and stars Daniel MacPherson, Grace Huang and Luke Hemsworth. It follows the story of a search and rescue team that travels to a destination in space known as Infini. The team has orders to rescue Whit Carmichael, the only remaining survivor left on Infini.
Infini Trailer
Infini Review
The primary story that Infini has of going on a rescue mission and finding something really dangerous out there in space is something that has been done in many science fiction films as well as video games to. But Infini manages to make what seems like a plot we’ve all seen before into something quite new.
The threat that is on the Infini station is a biological one that seems to make whatever person who is infected with it quite mad and also very violent. Whit Carmichael (Daniel Macpherson) is pushed to his limits as he fights against the infected humans, but will he be able to survive Infini? You’ll have to watch the film to find out.
The actors appear to do a good job throughout the film and each of the actors get good parts to play. Most of the characters are completely mad on Infini so there are a lot of things for the actors to do and a lot of emotional moments for them to perform. Daniel Macpherson is interesting to watch during the film and Grace Huang was quite good as well, although it might have been better if she had more scenes in the film.
The directing from Shane Abbess is good and he creates a really tense atmosphere for the film. There are a lot of shots in Infini where the camera is really close to the actors faces and it’s hard to see the setting they are in which is one of my two complaints about the movie. But this also works in the films favor as it makes things feel tense and kind of claustrophobic for the viewer when watching the film. My second gripe with the film is that there are some scenes where a lot of people are talking at the same time as well as many scenes with the characters yelling at the top of their voices. I had to turn the volume down quite a few times throughout the film because it was too much.
The sets and the way that the world of Infini was presented as well as designed are the high point of the film. It looks like a lot of work went into creating the sets, as well as the computers and many of the lights around the station. The sound effects as well as the daunting music which was played throughout the many dangerous scenes worked well to create a tense feeling for the film.
As a science fiction film there are quite a few things that are interesting about Infini. We are told about how the people in the films 23rd century setting travel from world to world. They do it through a process known as “Splitstreaming”. This is described as travel where matter is broken down into a data signal and then transmitted to a co-ordinate somewhere in the galaxy. The way they travel as well as the biological organism that causes everyone to go mad on Infini presents some interesting science fiction concepts for the audience to think about.
Overall Infini was an okay science fiction film to watch which had some interesting ideas as well as some really nice sets and sound effects. In my view it’s a movie that might be worth renting if you like the science fiction genre and have become interested in it after watching the trailer.