The Sims 4 Cool Kitchen is the latest stuff pack made available for players of The Sims 4 to purchase through Origin. Those who choose to purchase the pack will get quite a few items added to their base game related to the “Cool Kitchen” theme. In addition to the stuff you get out of this pack to add to your kitchens, there are also a few added hairstyles and clothing choices thrown in as well for the create a sim side of the game.
The Sims 4 Cool Kitchen Stuff Trailer
The Sims 4 Cool Kitchen Stuff Review
The developers of The Sims 4 have so far released quite a few stuff packs for players of the game to purchase in the recent months, as well as two game packs and one expansion pack, with even more packs to be released in the upcoming months. At first when these new additions started to emerge, I met them with great delight because who wouldn’t want more stuff in their game? But as is the case when you have too much of anything, one starts to wonder if it is still worth it to get more stuff just because it is available. Should you really go out and get this one?
So far the stuff packs have been quite well made and it’s difficult to criticize the earlier releases when looking back at the effectiveness of the use of their themes. When looking at Luxury Party stuff, we got stuff to use in a party room and quite a few party related clothes to wear. With Perfect Patio Stuff we got what we needed to create a patio and some clothes to go along with the theme. But something is a bit off with this stuff pack, we get quite a few items for our “cool kitchen” but the clothing items and hairstyles barely match the theme. While there are a few cooking related outfits for the males and females, there was not much else to suggest any of it was kitchen related. A “cool kitchen” stuff pack may have been a lot cooler if we had something like hair nets or chef hats. What about a mitten/glove for use when baking? It just doesn’t add up and really things could have been so much better on this side of the stuff pack.
The Sims 4 Cool Kitchen Stuff clothing and hairstyles – The Sims 4 Cool Kitchen Stuff Review
Male clothing and hairstyles
Female clothing and hairstyles
In-game items and stuff – The Sims 4 Cool Kitchen Stuff Review
The in-game items are directly focused around their idea of the “cool kitchen” theme and you get quite a lot of stuff to place in your kitchens with this pack. The Sims 4 Cool Kitchen stuff pack comes with an ice-cream machine which your sim can use to make ice-cream in their new kitchen and players can level up their sims skills in order to make more flavours of ice-cream which they can make when using the machine. When eating ice-cream players can choose to either eat out of a cone or out of a bowl as well as their choice of toppings to go with it.

When comparing this stuff pack to the amount of items in the recently released stuff packs, Cool Kitchen Stuff has just about the same amount of items as the others and neither impresses nor disappoints when it comes to quantity of items that you get. In the video posted below I take you through each of the items in this stuff pack and what you can expect to get out of it. For those looking to see the ice-cream machine gameplay only and not a full item overview, the ice-cream is towards the end.
The Sims 4 Cool Kitchen Stuff Overview
Overall the items you get to play with are fairly familiar with a lot of the items just being newly designed objects already available in the base game. The ice-cream machine is a bit hit and miss, sure it does make ice-cream well and the animations of the sims when they are eating either from cone or from a bowl are great. However I do think that the size of the cone looks way too big and when sims are eating one, it just looks like they are holding a cup. But the worst thing of it all is that the container for the ice-cream to me just looks like a paint tin and I do not believe it is of great design at all.

In the pack you also get two styled rooms to play with which are for those who don’t enjoy building their own rooms in their homes. They give you a good idea of what the sims team suggests a “cool kitchen” might look like. I have no issues or critical points in favour or against these styled rooms.
Overall The Sims 4 Cool Kitchen Stuff is something that’s not necessarily giving out that “buy me right now” vibe. Sure if you do purchase it you get an ice-cream machine and you can sit down with your sims and watch them eat ice-cream and it comes with a variety of flavours that you can choose from once your sim is leveled up enough to be able to make them. But the other items that you get aren’t so impressive when compared to the kitchen items already in the base game and some of the clothes seem to be not related to the theme as well as they could have been. It’s nice to have more items, but with so many stuff packs already out there, this one just doesn’t seem as interesting or well put together and I do question buying this pack just for the ice-cream machine. The ice-cream machine is a good item, but it’s not in any way that great at all and I do not feel comfortable advising people to go out and buy this pack right now just to get it.
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