Splinter Cell Blacklist is announced, followed by a trailer for the game
Rayman legends is then mentioned and a trailer for Rayman Legends is shown, comes out September 3 2013. More Rayman footage is then shown afterwards.
The presenter Aisha Tyler is wearing a T-Shirt with the word #girlwood written on it.
A new presenter Louis Pierre takes the stage, he’s wearing a grey hoodie, looks happy. Shows a game called “The Mighty Quest for epic loot”, shows a comedic trailer.
The Aisha Tyler returns to the stage to show a trailer for the South Park game known as the Stick of truth
A new presenter takes the stage, next gen games are spoken about.
A long trailer for a new racing game entitled “The Crew” is shown.
Julian Gerieghty the creative director of The Crew joins the stage, talks quite a lot about the “next gen experience”. Talks about grouping with friends and playing co-op with friends in the game.
A gameplay video is shown of the game

Dominic Guay takes the stage now to talk about the next generation game called Watch Dogs
A trailer is then shown for Watch Dogs
Aisha Tyler then returns to the stage to show a trailer for Just Dance 2014, comes out in October across all platforms
Another game is then announced called Rabbids Invasion and a large gameplay trailer is shown.
Aisha returns again, talks about Assassins Creed IV Black Flag and shows a brand new trailer

A new game is then shown called Trials Frontier/Trials Fusion, the words on Mobile and On Next Gen are shown, one is next gen the other is a mobile game.
A new game surprise is shown called Tom Clancy’s the division. It is a new online open world experience. It’s very graphically impressive. It is demonstrated with a live demo using the playstation 4 controller.

The conference is then ended, all notes were taken live during the conference.
If you missed the Ubisoft Live stream you can still check it out here