Please Note: There are spoilers in our Doctor Who The Pyramid at the end of the world review discussion
I really enjoyed last week’s episode of Doctor Who so was keen to see how the next part of this series would go. Since last week’s episode ended quite abruptly with things not fully resolved, I felt we were in for quite a good second part to the story. It seems though, things are not over yet. After this one ends, it looks like these monk villains will continue on next week as well.
So far I do enjoy these Monks as villains, their undead appearance is quite earie and their voices are scary. It seems in this episode that their game continues. This time they are trying to take over the world by gaining the consent of the powerful leaders. However there’s a bit of a catch to it. One cannot consent out of fear or any other emotion, they must do it out of love. For only through love can there be consent. Do anything else as other characters have tried and you’ll be vaporised.
The Doctor, Bill and Nardole run around the place trying to figure out how to beat the monks at their own game and stop them from taking over the world which is apparently going to end three minutes before midnight. It doesn’t take The Doctor long to figure out it’s probably through a biological attack and he quickly tracks down a dodgy experiemental facility which is about to go boom!
In stoping the incident The Doctor does well, but he’s blind! There’s a key code he needs to put into the door to get out but can’t do it because he can’t see. This pushes Bill to give her consent to the Monks, wh0 restore The Doctor’s sight. There’s one consequence though, with Bill’s consent on behalf of The Doctor who is the President of the world, the Monks have now taken over. We’ll have to wait till next week to find out what happens with that.
One of the issues I have with this episode is that The Doctor’s blindness and the handling of it seemed a bit silly. Nardole was there communicating with The Doctor and was telling him what was in front of him, it was getting a bit obvious he couldn’t see or something was wrong with him. For some reason Bill doesn’t even notice at all. Secondly the jump The Doctor made to suggest it was a biological attack seemed a bit much and finally the restoration of The Doctor’s sight. If you remember a few episodes back, it was a long process for The Doctor to restore such a thing, here it’s done in an instant. Due to all these things and also the crazy beam that can catch the plane, I think that The Doctor and his friends are still in the video game and they never got out. The thing I do wonder is, who is controllng it?
Overall this was a good episode that continued the story, but quite a lot of it was really silly. I’m glad to see The Doctor got his sight back as it was getting a bit much without it at this point. Next week’s episode looks interesting.