The eighth installment of the Fast and Furious franchise, now officially titled “Furious 8”, will be released on April 14, 2017 according to franchise star/producer Vin Diesel who showed up at CinemaCon today.
Disney’s “Ghost in the Shell” remake with Scarlett Johansson and animated film “Blazing Samurai” share the same date. A week prior on April 7 comes Blue Sky animated film “Ferdinand” and nothing is currently slated for the week after.
The seventh installment in the Fast and Furious franchise is destroying the box office right now. At $1.1 billion worldwide, “Furious 7” is not only the biggest movie in the franchise by far (beating the $788.7 million made by its predecessor) but is also currently the seventh highest grossing film of all time.
Diesel also announced that he and Neal Moritz are returning to produce. A director and screenwriter were not mentioned.
Universal later changed release dates for “Warcraft” “Pacific Rim 2”, and “The Mummy” and set release dates for more. We got you covered here.
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CORRECTION: This article originally claimed that “Pacific Rim 2” was being released on April 7, 2017 and a Universal monster movie was coming on April 21, 2017. Hours after the article was published, both of those release dates were pushed.
this is good news, I liked the last fast and furious hopefully they can make it fun